Mills & Reeve in overdrive helping The Coach Travel Group on seven-firm acquisition

21 Jun, 2024
Law firm Mills & Reeve, led from Cambridge and the East of England, advised on the merger of seven leading regional coach companies to create a national group.
Craig Hodgson. Image courtesy – Mills & Reeve.

In a deal backed by H2 Equity Partners, The Coach Travel Group is an amalgamation of Alpine Travel, Barnes Coaches, Coatham Coaches, JH Coaches, Johnsons Coaches, Swans Travel and The Ready Group.

Following the merger, The Coach Travel Group says it intends to focus on delivering an ambitious growth strategy.

Corporate partners James Hunter and Craig Hodgson led the Mills & Reeve team advising the seven companies on the merger. Hodgson said: “We’re pleased to have advised all the sellers on the transaction. Each of the seven companies have an excellent reputation and, as part of The Coach Travel Group, will be a formidable force in the industry.”

Tom Stables, CEO of The Coach Travel Group, added: “This marks a significant milestone not only for our group but for the UK coach travel industry. By bringing together these renowned and trusted, regional operators under one roof, we are setting the stage for an unparalleled travel experience. We’re committed to being at the forefront of the industry, ensuring every mile travelled with us is a testament to the quality and innovation we stand for.”

Dave Howes, Consultant at FRP Corporate Finance, said the firm had supported what he called “this landmark transaction.” He added: “Each of the companies in the group brings years of rich heritage, proven expertise and deep connections with the communities they serve and we wish the new organisation all the best for the next stage of its growth journey.”