Co-Laboratories helps young biotechs get started in Cambridge

Laura Grimwood, who is founder and CEO of Co-Laboratories, has already created similar space in the Camden area of London.
In partnership with journey, a real estate company focused on innovation facilitation and with a particular focus on early-stage companies, Co-Labs is opening a new incubator at the NIAB base on Lawrence Weaver Road, Cambridge. Co-Labs is targeting Phase 1 opening in July-24.
She says that in addition to the two direct jobs that Co-Labs plans to create, the hub will be a catalyst for further growth. The companies within the space will hire between 60 and 80 people through the two phases of the project.
Laura said “Essentially I had to move my startup to the USA in 2015 because we couldn’t find any lab space in Cambridge or London. Eventually I started Co-Laboratories to provide space for startups and provide support as they find their feet.”
Co-Labs is a biotechnology incubator community dedicated to providing a much needed service to the entrepreneurial biotech ecosystem – to maximise the social and economic impact of their activities. Laura is committed to helping others avoid the same fate that befell her business all those years ago and enable them to remain “where the amazing talent and collaborations are.”
The Growth Works Inward Investment service, trading externally as Locate Cambridge, was instrumental in securing the business in Cambridgeshire and provided significant support along the journey. Co-Labs applied to participate in the very first Life Science Market Access Programme that Growth Works’ Inward Investment service organised in August 2021.
Rebecca Bekkenutte, Managing Director, Growth Works Inward Investment said: “Co-Labs imminent arrival in Cambridge is exciting news. It is fantastic that after two years of working with Co-Labs the business has finally found a space in Cambridge to help facilitate further growth for the biotech industry locally.”
journey is a real estate company focused on facilitating innovation in key UK knowledge economies. The platform consists of 23 properties in key innovation geographies. These assets are being re-invented in response to ground level requirements and critical supply shortages. The completed developments will include urban lab, incubator, workspace, mid-tech, storage, event space and supporting amenities including short and long stay residences.